Today's Myth is..
"There is no governing body to certify that essential oils are pure, a company has to do it themselves."
We'll start with the little bit of truth in this statement:
In North America, essential oils are bought and sold under the regulations of perfumery. This means that by law, very little information needs to be disclosed on the label and none of this information needs to be verified.
This fact makes it all the more imperative for companies to work with third party certification bodies; to verify and control the quality and purity of their products.
To suggest that there is no one outside of a company to certify a product's quality and purity is completely false. Is it an indication that the company themselves chooses to do their own verification of the quality of their oil? This begs the question of why?
Many essential oil companies (like us) work under the control of a third party certifying body, who tracks a crop from the farmer growing it, to the facility bottling it, and everywhere in-between. This means that all of the information being provided about the essential oil is accurate, traceable and verifiable. The reason this practice works is because the third party certifier has no vested interest in the sale of the product and can therefore provide unbiased information to the consumer. The supplier, who can’t help but have a vested interest in selling their product, is kept in check by the certifying body.
If you're like us, you expect accountability. Purchase from a company that puts their customers' need for accurate, traceable information into the hands of an internationally recognized, third party certification body.
Terms like 'Certified Pure Tested Grade', 'Therapeutic Grade', '100% Natural', '100% Pure' etc. are an indication that an oil is not under third party control.